Збираємо матеріальну допомогу

З початку війни протиУкраїни ми збираємоматеріальну та грошову допомогу длянаселення в Україніта для біженцівз України вНімеччині, з акцентомтут, на місці.

Завдяки нашому зв'язку з іншимиорганізаціями та помічниками ми завждидуже добре знаємо, що потрібно.

Ми також звертаємосябезпосередньо до наших партнерів, які знаходяться біля кордону з Україною з конкретнимипропозиціями, щоб дізнатися, чи єв цьому необхідність.

Хочете пожертвувати речі?

Зв'яжіться знами, ми уточнимо, чи потрібні ціречі в данийчас. Якщо цетак, ми обговоримоз вами передачупредметів.

Ми зберігаємо речіперед транспортуванням у нашому приміщенні, наданому Манфредом Райдельбахом.

Особлива подяка йому за цю велику підтримку.


Money donations

We take money donations as well. We fund our transports with it and relief supplies.

Trough help of the Organization "Bürger für Bürger e.V" it is possible for us to give out spending receipts.

You donate your choosen amount to the mentioned IBAN and send us an E-mail with your adress.

You will receive the spending receipt per E-mail.

We drive aid transports

Our drivers bring the relief supplies for the Ukraine with safety to the destination.

The Storage of the Helporganization UAid-direct at Medyka in Poland is the destination of most trips.

UAid direct brings the supplies timely further to different destinations in the Ukraine, some in the current warzone, some to refugees inside the country.

Special supplies for example for the police and Fire Departement are delivered directly by us. 

We hand over the relief supplies on site to the receiving organizations, who in turn distribute them within the country.

At this point has to be made towards the organizations that helped is from the beginning and provided us over the time with Transporters.

Without them our help would not be practicable:

- Bürger für Bürger e.V. 

- Gemeinde Linsengericht

- Gemeinde Birstein

- Stadt Wächtersbach

- JFV Kinzigtal e.V.

- Seniorenheim Theresa Großkrotzenburg

- KW Holz Klaus Werth, Bad Orb

- Fa. Paco, Steinau a.d. Straße

- Thomas Biehn Transporte, Weilers

- Ford Autohaus Maiwald

since today  01/15/2023 we drove 
23 Tours 
57 Vans

Help in the refugee camp in Tesco at Przemyśl 

Immediately after the outbreak of the war a hughe refugee camp in Przemyśl (PL) just befor the border to ukraine arose in an vacant Convenience store.

Volunteers from all around the world set up a center where the refugees could registered and be divided into their desired destination countries. Then the transport options were organized and thousands of people could be helped urgently.

In spring and early summer of 2022 we also helped there with volunteers. It was a formative experience for everyone.

convenience store

In the former "Schuhaus Kolb" at Birstein, the owner allowed us to set up and run a convenience store for several months.

Donations for refugees could be kept

 and handed out by us for the needy. 

The store was a great help and a great success. 

In addition to our many donors and helpers, a heartfelt thank you also goes to Ms. Kolb, who unfortunately fell ill in autumn 2022, in the consequence the store had to be given up on.

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